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Live reporting by Briana Madden
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Courts closure, gender-based violence

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We just got an audio update that the meeting will begin once the Commissioners come online. The live stream link is up & running.

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The meeting has begun, and the live stream picked up mid-prayer.

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The public comment portion of the meeting begins with George Blakemore, who addresses Commissioner Matthew DeLeon on alleged past corruption and implores him to do better.

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The next speaker is Amanda Pyron, Executive Director from The Network: Advocating against Domestic Violence. Pyron raises concerns of increased violence against survivors due to low maintenance of hybrid court systems.

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Pyron says in order to end gender-based violence, we need services for perpetrators of harm as well: “It’s unconscionable that we have fathers who are causing harm, who want help and can’t get it.

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A few members of the committee express their support for ending the domestic violence crisis our courts and shelters are facing in Cook County. Commissioner Aguilar points out that undocumented and trans women need extra support and protection as well.

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Pyron says the shelters are full, and there are limitations on the services offered to survivors by the courts due to shortened hours and access. There is no remote access option.

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The next public speaker is from Brighton Park Neighborhood Council, who is a DACA recipient. She says DACA is a great benefit, but it’s really “just crumbs,” urging the committee to pass the relevant resolution on the table.

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Two public speakers from Staples Midwest region ask the committee to reconsider a planned award to Office Depot because of an error on their bid. The item was removed from the agenda.

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There are several more public comments urging the Commission to approve undocumented and immigrant participation in the budget reconciliation process, which is on the agenda for today.

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The committee passes a motion to approve the entire consent calendar.

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There are several resolutions honoring deceased contributors to the county read into the record.

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Matthew DeLeon is honored for his promotion and past work with Cook County and the Forest Preserves.

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DeLeon will take a volunteer historian position after his retirement. He thanked everyone on the committee for his time at Cook County.

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Motions are introduced to approve the first 7 items on the agenda for today. An item was pulled to receive and file, regarding recommendations from a women’s committee on domestic violence.

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A couple dozen more items from the agenda are approved, based on motions by two committee members. The items include 3 payment related items from the Medical Examiner’s office.

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Items regarding improvements under the Department of Transportation are approved.

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The conversation returns to how courts and judges can accommodate domestic and gender-based violence survivors in getting emergency services during this time.

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The court has had remote operations since early 2020, but the system is still not fully functional or accessible.

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A representative of the court says if the courts are open and there are staff there, domestic violence survivors can get help. They can’t answer a question regarding what happens if the courts are not staffed.

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There is discussion about a contract with the Sheriff’s Department. Preckwinkle says there will be a new Request for Proposal to draw up a new contract between the year.

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Preckwinkle says the Commission has requested information about services provided by the Sheriff’s Dept. at two meetings in a row. The last set of items is approved.

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The journal of proceedings from the previous meeting is approved.

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Item 213424 is deferred for further consideration.

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A few more items are deferred to committees. This is the last meeting of the summer. The meeting is adjourned at 2:26pm.