Landmark recommendations for Epworth Church Building, K.A.M Isaiah Israel Temple and the Second Presbyterian Church
Good Afternoon! I’ll be live-tweeting the Commission on Chicago Landmarks meeting for @CHIdocumenters #CHIdocumenters. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 12:45 p.m.
12:37 PM Jul 7, 2022 CDT

Chairperson Wong calls the meeting to order. Roll call to establish quorum begins.

Chairman Wong calls for a moment of silence for the Highland Park July 4th massacre.

Mr. Esposito speaks in favor of the preliminary landmark recommendation for the Epworth Church Building on 5253 N. Kenmore Ave in Edgewater.

The second public speaker, Mr. Miller speaks in favor of the preservation of the Epworth Church Building.

Mr. Green remarks on the social services the Epworth Church Building has provided over the years. Giving shelter to the homeless, local gym, and tutoring programs to the community.

Interior of Epworth United Methodist Church. Multiple Edgewater residents are speaking in favor of preserving the building. Photo 📸 by Stephanie Barto

Mr. Miller from Preservation Chicago speaks in favor of landmarking the K.A.M. Isaiah Israel Temple, which is one of the oldest synagogues in Chicago. K.A.M. is located at 1100 E. Hyde Park Blvd.

Mr. Miller is also in favor of landmarking the Second Presbyterian Church at 1936 S. Michigan Ave.

Senior Pastor of Second Presbyterian Church has called in and asked the commission to approve its Adopt-a-Landmark application.

Public commentators are speaking in favor of landmarking the Century and Consumers Buildings on 202 & 220 South State St.

More info about the Century and Consumer Buildings here:

More info about the Century and Consumer Buildings here:

The public commentary session ends. On to the agenda. Approval of the minutes from the May 5th meeting passes.

Ald. Osterman (48) speaks in favor of the Preliminary landmark recommendation of the Epworth United Methodist Church Building.

The preliminary landmark recommendation of the Epworth United Methodist Church Building carries unanimously.

The Citywide Adopt-a-Landmark Fund application for K.A.M. Isaiah Israel Temple is up for consideration.

Citywide Adopt-a-Landmark application for K.A.M. Isaiah Israel Temples passes.

The Citywide Adopt-a-Landmark application for Second Presbyterian Church is under consideration.

The citywide Adopt-a-Landmark fund grant for Second Presbyterian Church passes.

On to the program committee report. These are recommendations to the Illinois Historic Advisory Council on Nominations to the National Register of Historic Places.

On to other business. A presentation on the Century and Consumers buildings at 202 & 220 South State St.

Both of these buildings are federally owned properties since 2005.

A representative from the Dirksen Courthouse, Hon. Rebecca Pallmeyer says there are security concerns with these buildings. Wants foot traffic access to Federal Plaza from the east.

The federally owned Century and Consumers Buildings have been vacant since 2005.

Chairperson Wong has concerns about the demolition of these buildings considering the public’s experience with the construction of Block 37 on State St.

Commissioners want to preserve as much of old Chicago as possible. They mentioned public support to renovate these buildings instead of demolishing them.

Chairperson Wong calls for a resolution to better understand the importance of the Century and Consumers Buildings. He wants the Commission to further discuss alternatives to demolishing historic buildings.

Motion for resolution carries. On to the last agenda item; permit review committee reports.

This is a report on projects reviewed at the May 5th and June 9th, permit review committee meetings.

Chairperson Wong calls for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion approved. The Commission on Landmarks meeting ends at 3:22 p.m. This ends my coverage for @CHIdocumenters find more information through Mihir Garud’s notes at