Return to Committee on Contracting Oversight and Equity
Live reporting by Princess-India Alexander
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Consideration of Middle Eastern or North African (MENA) as a minority group, Hate crimes or treason business ban

The committee quickly agreed to discuss the aforementioned item at their next meeting and moved swiftly to the next item on the agenda.

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The next topic of conversation was the “Amendment of Municipal Code Sections 1-23-010 and 1.23- 020 regarding ineligibility to do business with City of Chicago due to removal from public office, treason, sedition or elated offenses.”

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Committee member Sophia King (Alderman of the 4th Ward) has asked what specific changes are being made and exactly how that language is reflected in the amendment.

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Alderman Gilbert Villegas, the amendment’s sponsor and 36th Ward Alderman, answered informing the committee that main change is including hate crimes as a factor prohibiting a third party from doing business with the city.

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In laymen’s terms, the original ordinance outlined actions and behaviors that would make a business ineligible for gaining contracts or working with the city of Chicago. The full ordinance can be read here!

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Alderman Villegas used the storming of the capitol on Jan 6 as an example for why this amendment is important. He says this amendment was created to ensure the city holds “businesses accountable at every level” for actions or statements made out of hate.

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From here Chairman Ervin noted that all members wanted to be written down as co-sponsors for the amendment. He then moved to the third and final agenda item.

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This last item has clear ties to the former but with more specificity. Sponsored and introduced in the meeting by Judge William Haddad, this item is a “Call for Chicago Municipal Code Section 2-92-420 to include Middle Eastern or North African Americans as minority group.”

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Alderman Villegas further explained how the addition of the amendment would allow research into discrimination of Arab citizens and provide a base to create change in policy

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With a few quick words of encouragement and support from Alderman Felix Cardena Jr (31st Ward), the committee wrapped up all further discussion until their next meeting.

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Chairman Ervin officially called the meeting to close at 10:35am. This concludes today’s coverage of the Committee on Contracting Oversight and Equity. Follow
@CHIdocumenters and #chidocuments for more!