Paseo Boricua flags, Monumental Baptist Church, Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley house
Good afternoon! I’ll be live-tweeting the Commission on Chicago Landmarks And Permit Review Committee meetings for @CHIdocumenters #CHIdocumenters. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 12:45 p.m. Due to COVID-19, the meeting will be held remotely.
12:37 PM Apr 7, 2022 CDT

Chair Ernest Wong calls the meeting to order. The meeting reaches a quorum.

Public comment will take place now. Rep from Preservation Chicago speaks in favor of agenda item 2. Agenda item 2 is the preliminary landmark designation of the Paseo Boricua Gateway Flags in the 26th Ward.

Rep from Preservation Chicago speaks in favor of agenda item 3. The third agenda is the landmarking of the Monumental Baptist Church building. For more information, check out the link:

Rep from Preservation Chicago speaks in favor of the landmarking of Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley House at 6427 S. St. Lawrence Avenue.

No further public comments. Approval of the Minutes of Previous Meeting passes.

Presentation of preliminary landmark designation for the Paseo Boricua Gateway Flags begins.

Dan Burke speaks about the cultural significance of the Paseo Boricua Gateway Flags in Humboldt Park. He says the structure is in good condition. Commissioners are now voicing their support of the designation.

Preliminary landmark designation of the Paseo Boricua Gateway Flags passes unanimously.

The next item on the agenda is the report from the Dept. of Planning and Development on the Monumental Baptist Church building. Commissioner Maurice Cox delivers the report.

Also in 2020, DPD issued an RFP for the redevelopment of .6 acres of vacant, City-owned land in Bronzeville on the southwest corner of 47th and Vincennes Avenue. The Legacy District is a $19.2 million redevelopment.

The report for the Monumental Baptist Church building is accepted and moves on to the next step.

Chair Wong moves on to the Citywide Adopt-a-Landmark Fund application by Naomi Davis for the Till House. Updates include masonry, tuckpointing, windows, and roof replacement will take place. The grant is worth $249,541.

Ald. Jeanette B. Taylor representing the 20th Ward, speaks in favor of the grant and upcoming museum.

The Citywide Adopt-a-Landmark Fund Application for the Till House by Naomi Davis, Blacks in Green passes.

The next item on the agenda is the Class L certification of the Chicago & North Western Railway Office Building.

The Class L certification of the Chicago & North Western Railway Office Building passes.

Program Committee Report and Permit Review Committee Reports passes. The Commission on Chicago Landmarks meeting ends. The Permit Review Committee meeting will begin at 2:10 pm.

The Permit Review Committee meeting begins. Vice-Chair Dziekiewicz presides.

Public comments begin. Rep from Preservation Chicago speaks in favor of the proposed Ludlow Typograph Company Building.

No further public comments. On to the agenda. Approval of Minutes from the March meeting passes.

Agenda item no.1 is the proposed new construction of a masonry coach house with a three-car garage at the rear of the lot on the corner of Hermitage and Pearson. The address is 838 N. Hermitage.

The proposed new construction in the East Village District at 838 N. Hermitage passes.

Agenda item no.2 is the proposed new two-story single-family residence and a detached two-car garage in the Calumet-Giles-Prairie District. The address is 3360 S. Giles.

The proposed new two-story single-family residence in the Calumet-Giles-Prairie District at 3360 S. Giles passes. The residence will be built on an empty lot.

The next item on the agenda is the proposed new one-story rooftop addition, new exterior deck, and other changes to the previously conditionally approved rehab project (Ludlow Typograph Company Building at 2028-2062 N. Clybourn).

The proposed Ludlow Typograph Company Building at 2028-2062 N. Clybourn passes. The project is expected to start in August.

The next project is the proposed reconstruction of the front porch at 2205 W. Iowa. The building is located in the Ukrainian Village District.

The reconstruction project at 2205 W. Iowa in the Ukrainian Village District passes.

With no further business before the committee, the meeting is adjourned.

The Commission on Chicago Landmarks + Permit Review Committee meetings end at 2:47 p.m. This ends my coverage for @CHIdocumenters find more information through Benjamin Nober’s notes at