Live reporting by
Chris Ridgeway
The committee designated the Phebe and John Gray House as a Chicago landmark at this meeting.
Good Morning! Today at 11a I’ll be live-tweeting the Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards at Chicago City Council. #chidocumenters @CHIdocumenters
10:24 AM Mar 14, 2024 CDT

The Zoning committee was formerly headed by Ald Carlos Rosa, who resigned Nov 2023 after allegations of bullying Ald. Emma Mitts as the mayor’s floor leader.

First term Ald Bennet Lawson has been Vice Chair, and I think will lead the meeting again today. The Mayor has been slow to appoint a replacement……

Today’s agenda includes sign permits for the Vienna Beef Company on Elston, and a historical landmark designation for the Phebe and John Gray House at 4362 W Grace St. ……

11:04 but things don’t usually start on time. You can follow live at the Chicago City Clerk’s website.……

Ald Lawson is chatting with Ald Burnett. Number of folks milling about. Lots of attendees wearing suits. Many zoning change proposals will have lawyers present.

“Distruptive behavior is not permitted. Cell phones must be silenced”, but George Blakemore, a perennial citizen attender, is yelling so loudly you can barely hear the overhead security announcement. It’s pretty rough.

Meeting is called to order at 11:15 by Ald Lawson. Ald Rosa and others are attending via Zoom.

At the top, Ald Lawson reads out very quickly a list of items to be deferred. So fast I couldn’t have heard it - it seems pre-agreed upon. Deferrals are passed without objection. And now public comment period will begin.

Unidentified public commenter says he knows of a owner that shot a patron at the Imperial Hotel on W 103 St, and says there were no arrests. Urges alders to look into it.

Another commenter opposes affordable housing project in Humboldt Park on W Division says the building is too tall and doesn’t have enough parking. “If the zoning change goes through it will hurt working people.” “I support affordable housing although statistically we have enough”

Thread continues:

Ok, meeting continues, and the first agenda item is skipped and the second deferred.

Now a Historical landmark designation for Phebe and John Gray House at 4362 W Grace St. This is interesting. Dept. of Planning & Development testifying to support passage.……

Vice-Mayor Burnett presents “Amendment of Municipal Code Section 17-6-0403-F by requiring special use approval for sports and recreation permits in specific use categories in PMD 4-A located in the 27th Ward” It’s for pickleball courts!

Ald Marty Quinn says his community opposes a "banquet hall" at 6244-50 W 63rd St that started construction without him or residents ever being consulted. "Had i not filed this ordinance, the community would have been steamrolled"……

Atty Sara Barnes presents for her client 4-story, 8-unit all residential building at 4531 N Western Ave. Two 4-bed, and six 3-bed units. She characterized one of the units as meeting a need for family affordable units.

Barnes: Chicago Housing Trust has been working with us on units that may not be covered by affordable housing ordinance and in areas that are underserved. In this case, it's not for rent, but for sale, which is a need.

1441 W Cortez St (1st Ward) residential unit passes including reducing some parking but it’s blocks from Division blue line 4225-29 W Madison St (West Garfield Park) passes—an empty lot that will switch to mixed used building with dog grooming and outdoor doggy play lot.

4032 W Peterson Ave passes–will make way for a pet surgical center 501-03 W 26th St in Chinatown passes—an after school care center that was residential, but this would allow it to be a business.

1406-08 W Cuyler Ave (North Center) passes—situation where a lot appears to be vacant, but it’s not buildable because it’s traditionally been used with the property next door 3004-3008 S Archer Ave (Bridgeport) passes—divides a property.

2844 W 26th St (Little Village?) passes—is currently a surface parking lot—would be 3 commercial buildings including a new restaurant. 2301 S Oakley Ave (Heart of Chicago) passes—a defunct corner tavern would be repurposed to two dwelling units.

746-748 W 103rd St (adjacent to Harold’s Chicken Shack #27)–haven’t tried that sauce yet) passes—would reuse an long term vacant building and add two floors of residential. Several folks thank owner who is present for investing in community

1759 W 19th St (Pilsen) passes—in the 90s was a fast food restaurant. Would become Novel Pizza LLC. Would also serve coffee during the day

5039 N Troy St (North Park) passes—residential. Ald @DanielLaSpata notes that this is required because they are not in the ADU (mother-in-law suite) pilot zone, advocating for that applying citywide 2415-2425 W 24th PL passes—to be an “industrial” private event venue.

@DanielLaSpata 3652-3658 W Wrightwood Ave (Logan Square) passes—owner of Land and Sea Dept is present. Vacant building that would become a hair salon with massage services.

@DanielLaSpata 2519 N Halsted St (Lakeview) passes—former “Chicago Blues” bar—revitalize to create a restaurant, incidental “public place of amusement (PPA)” license, and two residential units. Old sign would be preserved.

@DanielLaSpata 2701-2703 W Polk St passes. 2701-2711 W Lexington St; 2712-2714 W Polk St . A little unusual that Alderman Irving directly presents these: he says they are 2-flats and residents discovered they were misclassified.

@DanielLaSpata And adjorned at 12:42p. Congratulations if you made it through that. Zoning committee gets a lot of things done in the city. Learn more by following @CHIdocumenters