Live reporting by
Perry Sylvester
District Detroit reported only seven of the 100 community benefits agreements have been completed; 37 are on-track and 56 have yet to be started.
Hey Detroit! Today 11/19 at 6 PM I live tweet District Detroit 2024 Annual Update Meeting for #DETdocumenters @DetDocumenters & media partners @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @MichiganPublic @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit
01:28 PM Nov 19, 2024 CST

This meeting is held at 2277 Woodward...the District Detroit Opportunity Center 👇🔗

You can also attend remotely...'read all about it' and get the event flyer here 👇🔗……

By way of background...'In 2022, Olympia Development of Michigan and The Related Companies proposed the renovation or construction of 10 new buildings in Downtown Detroit - consisting of mixed-income residential, commercial office, hotels, and public green space.'

Yeah, so what, you say? Welllll...'This new phase of the District Detroit development was deemed a Tier 1 project under the City of Detroit’s Community Benefits Ordinance (CBO).' Uh-oh...Tier 1 Status! Check this out👇📜🔗……

This all led to this: 'The developer and the Neighborhood Advisory Council (NAC) participated in the CBO process to determine impacts of the development on the community and to agree on appropriate community benefits to address those impacts.'

So it is 5:49 and the show is getting ready to roll…pizza and salad flowing freely

Hmmmm…wonder if this will follow the agenda…appears to be a little light on numbers & heavy on pictures 😏

We get the announcement to finish eating & networking because it’s time to goooo! (Or something to that effect)

Why do events like this always seem to have jazz fusion in the background?

#DETdocumentrs we are officially beginning…facilitator checks in with Zoom folks to make they can hear

Goes over agenda…lots of references o CBO, Community Benefits Ordinance (I have linked to relevant page on City website in previous tweet above)

Talks about CBO & Neighborhood Advisory process…hits on how they have actively reached out & held lots of meetings (I.e. ‘the people’ have been a part of the process)

✅All the documents will be posted on the City of Detroit website

Dang…missed the slide I wanted, but the gentleman from CRIO was explaining what kind of project/program gets ‘CBO treatment’…announces that the reports for District Detroit are—wait for it—not out yet!😲🙄

But they have a lot going on, and they release their reports all at once (about 6:15 in transcript). But…oh. Okay

They do have some data…showing that, um, a lot of stuff hasn’t started yet

Gives nod to the various players in the Neighborhood Advisory Council (which she refers to as ‘NACs’)

Discussion about small business support via Motor City Match program…but notes how this was funded via ARPA funds, which expire

University of Michigan Innovation Center …commitment is, uh, committed…and moving forward!

Going through a host of goals…and the program starts 2027. They are looking for an (annual?) engagement of 30000 community members

Lots of opportunities, ranging from ‘Gateway Certificates’ to grad degrees, starting as early as age 14

And now to everyone’s favorite…what can we do for cars? And drivers?

And housing…current stock & developments to come…affordability even part of at least some of this with —check transcript around 6:37ish—some something at 30% of the (still distorted) AMI

Here is what we have waited for…construction updates. And it’s complicated 🧐…pre-construction.. construction. You know

Goes on to discuss other 2 parts…residential and incubator. It’s over before know it 😆about 6:55 if you want to hear the (little) that said. Clearly, stuff IS happening, but w are getting a very bare-bones level overview

On a different note, this update meeting seems well-attended—60+ present, the room pretty much at capacity

We are now at Q&A time…1st person from NACs states there is a lot to celebrated and appreciates communication. But…given economy wants to know if any impacts are expected that may cause a ‘pivot’ in construction plans

The answer seems to be confident (if guarded); notes that commercial office projects are challenging in new economy but points to academic/medical involvement as providing some protection

They are asking when CRIO report will be available…answer is next week

Some confusion about ARPA funds and motor City Match…it is explained that it was not expected that Motor City Match could expect continuation of funding from this program but that other funding sources exist and they expect success in accessing them

Lots of use of the term ‘pivoting’ regarding funding & commitments & timelines🧐

Question about the traffic/transit report…there were changes in the 2nd report, what were they? Seems to be no major changes, just clarification of language

Question about about financing and start of construction for residential structure…high level confidence in financing being secured, construction expected in 2027

Question from a NACs member about residential parking situation…check starting about 7:15 in transcript…a little confusing

We have a rep from MDOT! New signal at Woodward and Temple…whole new Woodward corridor plan in fact-finding stage

I believe this is what he is referring to👇🔗……

NACs member seeking confirmation that she will be notified of all meetings when accessibility is to be discussed plus wants efforts made for use of AfricanAmerican-owned and local firms

Same NACs member asks about role of WCCCD in this project…it seemed at first they were involved but doesn’t hear about it anymore?

Response is a little slippery…points to they are open to working with all the higher education institutions in Michigan

They try to take comment from Zoom…handle the typed comments but once person invited to unmute things go sideways. But don’t worry…your comments are recorded 😏

Next comment expresses concerns over pedestrian safety…she had witnessed a horrific accident in which pedestrian on the median was hit by vehicle. Traffic safety & urban development is right in this site’s wheelhouse 👇🔗

Goodness…I know a sound engineer who could make good money helping the range of public meeting folks with their Zoom sound feed 😆

They are trying to wind down as it is close to 8 & they went a little over(?)

And they wrap up at 7:58….these are the websites where you can find the presentation

Well, they didn't lie...the meeting presentation is available online here 👇🔗📄……

If you believe anything in this coverage is not accurate, email with 'Correction Request' in the subject line.

For your post-meeting pleasure, the wonderful Dionne Warwick from the 1968 Ed Sullivan Show. Just thinkin' 'bout some stuff said, some stuff not said...