Appointment of Deborah Witzburg as Chicago's top watch dog, Inspector General, Police reform, Corruption
Good afternoon Chicago! I’ll be Live-Tweeting the City Council’s Committee on Ethics and Government Oversight starting soon for @CHIdocumenters #CHIdocumeters. Follow along with the remote meeting at this link:
01:02 PM Apr 13, 2022 CDT

Ald. Michele Smith calls the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. On the agenda for today’s meeting:
1. Monthly Rule 45 report
2. The appointment of Deborah Witzburg as Inspector General of the City of Chicago

Quorum is established with 17 members present, including new 11th Ward alderperson Nicole Lee.

One speaker is slated for public comment this afternoon. The speaker, Pete C., calls upon the City of Chicago’s “aspirational goals” of transparency and integrity when vetting appointed officials, and advocates for the approval of Deborah Witzburg.

The January Rule 45 report is approved without objection. The Committee moves onto Mayor Lightfoot’s Inspector General nominee, Deborah Witzburg.

Deborah Witzburg addresses the Committee. She served as a prosector in the Cook County State’s Attorney’s office and spent 6 years with the Office of the Inspector General as an attorney and in the Public Safety section.

Her November 2021 resignation from her position as Deputy Inspector General of Public Safety came “to avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest as [she] applied for the position of Inspector General,” she said.

“It is absolutely crucial that the city serve those most in need … and at OIG, being more transparent, efficient and accountable is vital to that effort,” Witzburg said.

Police reform and violence reduction are what she sees as the top priorities of the Office of the Inspector General.

Ms. Witzburg takes questions and comments from committee members. Ald. Martin commends Mayor Lightfoot for her “terrific” appointment, and wishes Witzburg luck.

Ald. Waguespack: What kind of work will you do to strengthen ties to our sister agencies (CTA, Park District, etc) and create action?
Witzburg: OIG functions as a direct inspector to some agencies, while others have their own. Find opportunities to cooperate on regular meetings

Witzburg sees cooperation and regular meetings among Inspectors General across city agencies to enforce residency requirements and address other systemic issues.

Ald. Ramirez-Rosa: “I want to thank the selection committee, I think they’ve made the right choice.” He wishes her luck and expresses his gratitude for her submitting her name to the process. Alds. Vasquez and Rodriguez-Sanchez echo his sentiments.

Ald. Rodriguez-Sanchez commends the office of the OIG for being the only department to get to compliance with the Consent Decree under Witzburg’s leadership.

Ald. Rodriguez-Sanchez: How can we best support victims of crime and violence within the Consent Decree?
Witzburg: Consent Decree requires the city to address community need and community policing. City needs to envision community services & policing with victim services

Non-Committee member comments commence. Ald. Sposato: “I’ll be calling you a lot and asking you questions.” Said nobody called the former IG as much as him. Commends her for stepping aside during the appointment process.

Ald. Sigcho Lopez: In terms of the fight against corruption, what will be done in the open and how will you lead by example?
Witzburg: Two kinds of corruption — losing money towards city services and the “debt of legitimacy.” The City has lost its residents’ trust

Witzburg: The transparency work of the OIG, shedding light will hopefully close that trust gap.

Motion to approve Deborah Witzburg by Ald. Martin passes with no objection. Her appointment now moves to the City Council floor and the meeting is adjourned.