
Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2025
4:00 p.m. — 5:30 p.m. EST

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601 Lakeside Ave E Cleveland, OH 44114 (Directions)

Cleveland City Hall, Room 514 (or watch on YouTube)

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The commission formerly known as the “Tree Commission” was established in the early 1990s and went dormant in the early 2000s. New legislation was introduced in 2021 by Cleveland City Council members to amend and revive the Tree Commission in the Codified Ordinances (Chapter 163, Sections 163.01 to 163.04).

Now known as the Urban Forestry Commission (UFC), its purpose is to advise the mayor and City Council on policies and regulations that will increase the tree canopy and vibrancy of our neighborhoods. Under this scope, the UFC will provide advice and strategic planning on how the city can implement best practices to maintain and grow Cleveland’s tree canopy. The work of the UFC will play an integral part in improving citywide tree canopy revitalization plans. Their duties include assisting with the adoption of an urban forest management plan, developing and updating a comprehensive inventory of trees, providing recommendations on policy and plans, monitoring the implementation of city plans, soliciting grants or funding contributions, and much more.

Commission members:

  • Xavier Bay (City Planning, Cleveland)
  • Jose Hernandez (Public Utilities, Cleveland)
  • Jennifer Kipp (Urban Forestry, City of Cleveland)
  • Dan Leamon (resident, health specialist)
  • Samira Malone, chair (Center for Regenerative Solutions)
  • Anna Zaremba (Sustainability, City of Cleveland)
  • Tom Schreiber (Western Reserve Land Conservancy)
  • Jenny Spencer (Ward 15 City Council Member)
  • Rick Switalski (Capital Projects, City of Cleveland)
  • Youth resident (filled but not named on website)
  • Nonprofit representative (vacant)
  • Electric company representative (vacant)
  • Certified arborists (vacant)
  • Developer (vacant)
  • Resident (vacant)

Agenda: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14tUgl2qm2mOdXxmTuOqrOOgwlvo1GlYn/view

Watching remotely?

Find the meeting on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@sustainablecleveland7281/streams

It may also be On TV20’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ClevelandTV20/live_videos

And on TV20’s website: https://www.clevelandohio.gov/city-hall/office-mayor/tv20

Attending in person? Documenters: Two additional hours ($36) will be added to your paid assignment hours. Be sure to bring your photo ID. There is paid parking connected to City Hall at the Willard Parking Garage, located at 601 Lakeside Ave.

Find past Documenters coverage of this meeting here: https://cleveland.documenters.org/reporting/?agency=689

Find videos of past meetings – along with their agendas, minutes, and presentations – here

Check the source website for additional information

Agency Information

City of Cleveland Urban Forestry Commission


See Documenters reporting

The commission formerly known as the “Tree Commission” was established in the early 1990’s and went dormant in the early 2000’s. New legislation was introduced in 2021 by Cleveland City Council members to amend and revive the Tree Commission in the Codified Ordinances (Chapter 163, Sections 163.01 to 163.04).

Now known as the Urban Forestry Commission (UFC), its purpose is to advise the mayor and City Council on policies and regulations that will increase our tree canopy and vibrancy of our neighborhoods. Under this scope, the UFC will provide advice and strategic planning on how the city can implement best practices to maintain and grow Cleveland’s tree canopy. The work of the UFC will play an integral part in improving citywide tree canopy revitalization plans. Their duties include assisting with the adoption of an urban forest management plan, developing and updating a comprehensive inventory of trees, providing recommendations on policy and plans, monitoring the implementation of city plans, soliciting grants or funding contributions, and much more.

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City of Cleveland Urban Forestry Commission

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4:00 p.m. EDT